Using the Madanes Model in Healthcare Communication
A new international initiative by Madanes School!

In recent years, healthcare systems in Western countries have seen tremendous,  unprecedented  changes.  Technological,  economical, social  and  political  forces  are  behind  those  changes.  This  new international  health  care  environment  presents  many  challenges  to all  the  actors  involved.    Patients  are  shifting  from  being  passive  to becoming  active  participants  in  medical  decision making.  New legal,  regulatory  and  accreditation  standards  put  stress  on  health care  organizations,  who  are  challenged  to  improve  both  patient safety  and  health  care  outcomes  while  respecting  bottom  lines. Physicians  are  pressed  to  perform  under  tough  time  and  financial restrictions.

Another  major  development  in  recent  years  is  the  growth  of medicolegal  problems.  As  malpractice  claims  against  doctors  are sharply  increasing  in  most  developed  countries,  the  area  of  health care  communication  is  becoming  an  important  topic  for  research. This   is   so   because   doctor-patient   miscommunication   is   being recognized as one of the key factors in causing malpractice claims. According to a major medical defence organization, there is always a component of miscommunication in clinical negligence cases and
its  therefore  imperative  that  doctors  reduce  their  exposure  to medico-legal  problems  by  acquiring  sound  communication  skills. Since the appearance of the Toronto consensus statement and until today,  a  new  paradigm  is  emerging,  according  to  which  the  new physicians  not  only  need  to  possess  good  technical  and  clinical knowledge, but also a humanistic and emotional intelligence that will allow them to work effectively with patients to reach the best health care outcomes.

To simply recognize the need for good communication skills is not enough. In contrast to most current approaches, the Madanes Model has been designed in order to provide an integral solution to health care systems complex needs. Madanes is a proprietary technology that addresses:

The needs of doctors:
Medicine is a tough profession. The Madanes model with its holistic perspective, is the only approach, worldwide, designed to:

● Provide cutting-edge consultation skills to deal with all types of patients and conduct a professional yet sensitive patient-centered practice.

● Enhance inner resilience in any stress situation.

● Rekindle motivation and the fervor for helping people that every professional has at the beginning of his or her

The needs of patients: Madanes tools result in a better interaction between health professionals and patients, and as a result the latter health outcomes are greatly improved. Good communication with the patient increases compliance and adherence to treatments and of course, greatly reduces the risk of litigation.  

The needs of health-care organizations: Leadership and good teamwork are the foundations for any excellent,  functional and focused organization.

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Check out our new, upcoming book by Yechezkel and Ruth Madanes

"Using the Madanes Model in Healthcare Communications"

Soon available in