Cultivating self-leadership from a young age


"I've had the privilege over the last thirty years of working with more than 4 million people from over one hundred countries. One thing I've learned is that in order to succeed as a leader you must uncover the belief systems that shape your own decisions as well as those you lead. The innovative methodologies presented in this book are powerful tools for leadership transformation. They will help you understand the driving force in yourself and other people and use these insights to create the kind of connections that will empower you to overcome the tough challenges that all leaders face in the modern world”

-Anthony Robbins, world-renowned authority in leadership psychology, best-selling author of Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within.

Good leaders know the importance of relationships to a healthy organization. From Stuckness to Growth will raise your awareness as a leader.  Knowing how each individual's unique personality type drives his or her behavior will improve the value of every interaction and relationship in your workplace.  Every leader should keep this book nearby and refer to it often.” 

- Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager® and Great Leaders Grow

"Throughout  my  career  of  over  forty  years  I’ve  seen  all  kind  of  management fads come and go. Perhaps the common denominator of these temporary fads is that they offer “one-size-fits-all” solutions together with unrealistic promises of “total transformation” of your personality and behavior. Against the trend of canned approaches  that  keep  plaguing  the  market  suggesting  ungrounded approaches to today’s managers’ challenges, here is a methodology that goes counter-current.  Yechezkel  and Ruth Madanes’  approach  is  innovative  and  intellectually stimulating as well as professional and practical. It will challenge you not only to think but also to act out of the box.”
Ichak Adizes, Ph.D., Stanford and Columbia University professor, world-renowned authority in organizational transformation


Identifying your clients' personality styles in the Enneagram will help you understand their model of the world and how this model shapes their every decision. Discovering one’s type allows us to break free of the limitations of personality and unlock our unique gifts and potential. It allows us to become aware of our natural resources and strengths and also our unique challenges. Yechezkel and Ruth describe the negative cycles that each personality type is unconsciously stuck in, and the ways to break through and be fully present in life. What is best about their work is its practical emphasis: it's full of empowering strategies that can be applied right away with your clients. Every therapist, coach and everyone in the helping professions needs to read this book. You will not only get your clients unstuck and growing but you will get unstuck and grow yourself.”

Dr.Cloe Madanes, internationally renowned master trainer of psychotherapists, best-selling author of Strategic Family Therapy, Behind the One Way Mirror and Relationship Breakthrough.

 The Madanes approach empowers kids, teachers and parents to bring out the best in themselves, and is taught in over a hundred schools in three different countries. If you are interested in bringing it to your school please contact Melinda Dasz at